Resolving the “Bind Exception” stumble block for JMeter

Resolving the “Bind Exception” stumble block for JMeter

Using JMeter to test performance provides an unusual stumble block in the form of Windows limitations. When 1000 to 1200 threads are in process, you may hit the block in the form of “Bind Exception“. This is attributed to the limitation of Windows to process concurrent threads. We can enhance the limit by the following workaround.

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QTP – Accessing SQL Server for automation test needs

QTP – Accessing SQL Server for automation test needs

Here’s the script that will enable you to connect to SQL Server Database and carry out basic functional tests.

Enhance the script as you may deem fit to cater to your testing needs. All the best.
Continue reading “QTP – Accessing SQL Server for automation test needs”

Creating a Keyword Driven Test Automation Framework

Automation Testing Framework model (Keyword driven)

Test Automation Framework.

With increased effort being directed to automation; it is equally important to know that to be successful and efficient necessiates for some basic infrastructure in place. The importance of an automation framework gets prime focus if you are planning to embark on a full-fledged automation effort. However creating an automation framework does not come on a platter. A huge effort does goes in to identify the scenarios and the reusability nature of the various components within the framework model.

It is equally important to know the specific operations that could synergically combine and work together to generate the final result. Continue reading “Creating a Keyword Driven Test Automation Framework”

QTP Database Testing : Connecting to an Access database and executing a query

Executing query in MS-Access through QTP

QTP Database Testing : Connecting to an Access database and executing a query

One of the most intriguing and challenging tasks for a tester is to conduct a Database test and verify the query and the related outcome. It surely needs extensive knowledge on executing the underlying queries and verifying its correctness based on a host of parameters. The most important aspect is the correctness of the query and the optimized nature. This requires good knowledge in query writing, understanding the intricacies of the Database. Continue reading “QTP Database Testing : Connecting to an Access database and executing a query”

Technical – Automation

Automation – QTP related tips.

Sureshot things you should remember

• Browser(“micClass:=Browser”) Used to refer to the Browser object • Page(“micClas:=Page”)

Used to refer to the Page

Object • WebEdit(“name:=txtAssertion”) Used to refer to a textfield • Eg Browser(“micClass:=Browser”).Page(“micClass:=Page”).WebEdit(“name:=ne wDescription”) Is used to refer to the textfield “newDescription” on the current page within the current browser. • To check the existence of the textfield Browser(“micClass:=Browser”).Page(“micClass:=Page”).WebEdit(“name:=ne wDescription”).exist

To set the value of the textfield to “Abhilash”
Browser(“micClass:=Browser”).Page(“micClass:=Page”).WebEdit(“name:=ne wDescription”).Set “Abhilash”

Continue reading “Technical – Automation”