Sweet Farewell to Lata Didi…

It was with disbelief that most people took the news of the demise of Lata Didi, the NIGHTINGALE of INDIA. She has for decades entralled audiences far and wide with her sweet voice. As was seen, the whole world took a moment to pay their respects to Lata Didi.

With so much love and sweetness that she spread around; the Gods felt it was their turn to have the voice in the heavens. She’s gone and among the immortals.

A few lines paying my respects to Lata didi.

Lata Mangeshkar, called Didi with love
From our earth, made a wordly move,
Away from all of us, leaving a devoid
and in the music world, a irreplacable void.

Immortal Didi

Singing in her sweet voice
and making us listen, in rapture without a noise,
T’is been decades, nearly decades seven
But we still feel the voice, as in heaven.

crooning songs, in languages many
bringing in the moods, so many,
Nations, Countries, Continents, and the World
stopped by to listen to this voice of the World.

An icon, so likeable and humble
Never, in this world, we’ll stumble,
across another, in the years to come;
It’s once in a millennia, a Legend comes.

As she leaves this world of mortals
to go heavenward, to be an immortal,
It’s the God’s turn to beckon the voice
and waft across heaven, the sweet voice.

When she left, the world stood still
’cause, with no more of this voice, the world came to a standstill,
As she lay still, to leave,
In emptiness, we stare and find it hard to believe.

Prayers, wishes and memories sweet
Is all that we have, for the Nightingale, sweet,
Bowing down to their knees, the music world,
To bade Goodbye, as she fades into another world.

Author: Abhilash Gopi

Am a simple guy, loves to see the smiles on my friend's faces. So what are you waiting for? Be my friend, Guys n Gals.

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