Creating an Effective Test Case Format

Creating an effective test case format

Creating an effective test case format

Time and again, the testing folks have to go about creating a test case set for the project at hand. As we are all aware that the test cases can be generalized with some basic fields.


The mandatory fields are

–          Test Case Title (It is best indicated to have a title which clearly indicates the functionality of the product under test).

–          Test Case Version (when you have multiple enhancements/ changes in the product and thereby the test case too). Continue reading “Creating an Effective Test Case Format”

Software Defect Attributes

Software Testing, Defect, Bug

Defect Attributes
(deals with important aspects of identification, categorization, classification, resolution and closure of bugs/ defects/ deviations).

A defect is any flaw or imperfection in a software work product or software process

Software work product is any artifact created as part of the software process,

Software process is a set of activities, methods, practices, and transformations that people use to develop and maintain software work products. Continue reading “Software Defect Attributes”