CMDN Cricket Scores

live cricket scores from CMDN

Live Cricket Scores Widget – CMDN

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Agile/ Scrum Development

agile development, scrum development

Thoughts about Agile/ Scrum development.

The word “scrummage” is a modification of “scrimmage” (the form of the word previously used in rugby and still used in American and Canadian football), which in turn derives from or is a cognate of “skirmish“. The term was used in the laws of rugby union for a long time before being permanently contracted to just “scrum“.

Well!!! Now you gauged what SCRUM is all about. Continue reading “Agile/ Scrum Development”

Hardfacts about Agile Process Implementation

Facts about Agile process

Hardfacts about Agile implementation

Agile, the name conjures up images of the experience I had since the last one and half years. I have been in this traditional school of thought for Software Development for nearly 18 years. That is an awfully long time. I have time and again been exposed to the same traditional methods of development and testing. With the advent of the Agile product development process that was undertaken in our organization, it was kinda difficult to adjust to this new pace of activity.

You know what I mean!!! It has been like walking on the edge, knowing very clearly that one fall will expose a far greater risk which we may not be able to overcome. However the experience has been exhilarating and thrilling to the core. Innovation and creativity has become a part of life as a software engineer now. For most of the developers it was a change from the usual chore of creating huge rolls of documents to prove what they had developed. Continue reading “Hardfacts about Agile Process Implementation”

Introduction to Agile Process Implementation

Agile Process Implementation

Introduction to Agile – Abhilash Gopi

An initial preview

To find bugs/ deviations

Migration of defects/ bugs
If the bugs migrate down the phases of the project/ product, then the cost of fixing the defect/ bug is higher.


An analysis

  • Traditionally
    # Testing has always been resigned to the end of the development phase.
    # Testing was only associated with the end product.
  • New school of thought (Agile)
    # Testing to be done at every stage, possibly everytime a feature or component is ready for release.

Continue reading “Introduction to Agile Process Implementation”