Smart Admin to serve IT Professionals by sharing information & free tools.

Smart Admin to serve IT Professionals by sharing information & free tools.

Smartadmin at your service

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Smart Admin is a non-profit Group, intended to serve IT Professionals by sharing information & free tools.

Smart Admin is a group of like minded people who have come together to share Technical Articles, Certification Details, Job Postings, Trainings and On-line Tutorials. We will be adding articles, tutorials, free components and utilities contributed by developers around the world. Continue reading “Smart Admin to serve IT Professionals by sharing information & free tools.”

Michael Jackson, A Tribute

Michael Jackson, A tribute to the King of Pop.

Michael Jackson – A Tribute

Michael Jackson - The King of Pop
Michael Jackson - The King of Pop

June, 25, 2009 : A sad day to remember ’cause it marks the death of one of the most complete and wholesome entertainer of the world of music. Yes, “Michael Jackson”. Born August 29, 1958, he has been singing since childhood carving a niche for himself in the music world. His most notable contributions include “Thriller“, the best selling album, “Bad“, “Dangerous“, “We are the world” and many more. We cannot ignore those yesteryears classics like “ABC“, “You are not alone“, “The love you save“, “I’ll be there“, “Enjoy yourself“, “Shake your body“, “Dont stop ’till you get enough“, “Rock with you“… His initial foray with his brothers as “The Jackson 5” and managed by his Dad, proved to be the stepping stone for this talented artist. Winning the Grammy 13 times is truely a remarkable achievement.

He has come a long way and though controversies surround him, there is no doubt that his fans love him. Continue reading “Michael Jackson, A Tribute”

Getting the best out of Agile Testing

Getting the best out of Agile Testing

 Getting the best out of Agile Testing.

 Agile Development :

Agile Development refers to a group of software development methodologies based on iterative development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams. It is characterized by release of small manageable features to meet the market demands.


What is the Agile manifesto?

The word “Agile” was created when the Agile manifesto was formulated. So let’s see what the Agile manifesto stands for. Continue reading “Getting the best out of Agile Testing”

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Motivation and perseverence to keep your fitness

Motivation and perseverence to keep your fitness, Motivation, consistency, perseverence, Fitness routines, Physical fitness,

Motivation and perseverence to keep your fitness.

Folks!!! It surely is a pain to keep your fitness at the best. It is a daily grind of workout, that soon becomes monotonous and boring. Unless you are a bodybuilder, where we have different training methods and routines which enables you to break the monotony; it is really boring for a general fitness enthusiast.

How do you keep up the motivation?

Motivation : (Definition 1)
The definition of motivation is to give reason, incentive, enthusiasm, or interest that causes a specific action or certain behavior. Continue reading “Motivation and perseverence to keep your fitness”