Michael Jackson’s “This is it”.

Michael Jackson This is it.

This is it“. The much wanted movie for Michael Jackson fans. I finally saw it on November 7, 2009. It held me spellbound. Amazing is what I can say. It has been filmed by the few set of cameras during the period from March to the day until his demise and gives insights into the human nature of the King of Pop. Continue reading “Michael Jackson’s “This is it”.”

QTP Database Testing : Connecting to an Access database and executing a query

Executing query in MS-Access through QTP

QTP Database Testing : Connecting to an Access database and executing a query

One of the most intriguing and challenging tasks for a tester is to conduct a Database test and verify the query and the related outcome. It surely needs extensive knowledge on executing the underlying queries and verifying its correctness based on a host of parameters. The most important aspect is the correctness of the query and the optimized nature. This requires good knowledge in query writing, understanding the intricacies of the Database. Continue reading “QTP Database Testing : Connecting to an Access database and executing a query”