Creating an Effective Test Case Format

Creating an effective test case format

Creating an effective test case format

Time and again, the testing folks have to go about creating a test case set for the project at hand. As we are all aware that the test cases can be generalized with some basic fields.


The mandatory fields are

–          Test Case Title (It is best indicated to have a title which clearly indicates the functionality of the product under test).

–          Test Case Version (when you have multiple enhancements/ changes in the product and thereby the test case too). Continue reading “Creating an Effective Test Case Format”

Dedication to Michael Jackson – A tribute

Dedication to Michael Jackson – A tribute.

This is a poem dedicated to the King of Pop – Michael Jackson. His songs brought the world closer no matter which country, which class, creed you belong to.


To MJ, A tribute.

You came into this world, our loving MICHAEL
and reached in the world of music, the PINNACLE
You, we love as “The King of POP”
Without you, the music world is a Full STOP.

Your songs ‘n’ dance to millions, CAPTIVATED
and to equally millions, your videos, MOTIVATED
To learn and pick the dance style that’s UNIQUE
To us, you are our own and truely UNIQUE Continue reading “Dedication to Michael Jackson – A tribute”